ellyloel’s avatarellyloel’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,275

                  1. ✨ The new version of my website is live! 💫 ...3 months ago, oops I kinda forgot to post about it 😅 Let me fill you in!
                1. …in reply to @ellyloel
                  It's built with eleven_ty using many awesome community made plugins, such as: slinkitydotdev: BHolmesDev Unfurl: SaraSoueidan and DavidDarnes Webmentions: CodeFoodPixels Nesting ToC: jshurmer Favicon Generation: NJAldwin JSON Feed: genehack Backlinks: binyamingreen
              1. …in reply to @ellyloel
                As well as awesome official Img, RSS, Navigation and Syntax highlighting plugins by zachleat and the other great 11ty contributors.
            1. …in reply to @ellyloel
              But wait, there's more! It's also using these awesome things for styling: CSS Remedy by jensimmons and TerribleMia for "remedying the technical debt of CSS". My opinionated CSS Reset because I have opinions. openprops by argyleink for an awesome set of custom properties.
          1. …in reply to @ellyloel
            shoelace_style by claviska because Web Components are cool! PostCSS-preset-env by css_tools_ for all the modern CSS features you want to use but aren't yet supported.
        1. …in reply to @ellyloel
          And for all things fun and creativity it's using: d3js_org by mbostock for a post graph, showing all the links between my posts. css_doodle by yuanchuan23 for the interactive footer background. Canvas Confetti by kirilv for when you sign up to my newsletter 😉
      1. …in reply to @ellyloel
        Howler by GoldFireStudios for fun lil sound effects when you interact with certain things. splinetool for the Lego minifigure of me.
    1. …in reply to @ellyloel
      Wow! That was a lot 😵‍💫
  1. …in reply to @ellyloel
    Alt text for the gif because I forgot 🤦🏼‍♀️: Anthony Fantano saying "A lot. A whole lot!"