ellyloel’s avatarellyloel’s Twitter Archive—№ 926

  1. An interesting thought I've just had 🧵 Often stateful design isn't fully considered. All too often the developers are left to figure it out or ever worse, just ignore it. We should always be including hover, focus, focus-visible & active designs for interactive elements!
    1. …in reply to @ellyloel
      The especially sad truth is that focus, focus-visible & active designs are often left at their defaults. When designing and developing websites we don't leave anything else at their defaults because we want to deliver a cohesive and stylised design.
      1. …in reply to @ellyloel
        So then why would we leave these at their defaults? Because they are mostly only experienced by disabled people. That's what I call blatant fucking ableism babyyy!!! 😐
        1. …in reply to @ellyloel
          Accessibility shouldn't just be about ticking the box so that everyone can use your website. It should also be about giving everyone a great experience while using your website!